Soil Moisture Probe



The HD3910 measures soil temperature and volumetric water content (VWC) by capacitive sensing.

SKU: HD3910 Categories: ,


The HD3910 measures soil temperature and volumetric water content (VWC) by capacitive sensing.

It is available in two models: HD3910.1 (two electrodes) or HD3910.2 (three electrodes). The HD3910.2 is for use in restricted volumes.

The circuit board is protected inside a plastic housing sealed with epoxy resin, making it suitable for use in harsh environmental conditions.

Various output options are available: RS485 with MODBUS-RTU protocol, SDI-12 or analogue (0.5-3V). Please specify which version is required when requesting a quotation.

The product is manufactured by Delta Ohm.

Additional information


HD3910.1, HD3910.2


5 metres, 10 metres


RS485 MODBUS-RTU, SDI-12, Analogue

Product Specifications

Measuring Range 0-60% VWC
Resolution 0.1%
Accuracy 3 % between 0 and 50% VWC (standard mineral soil, EC < 5 mS/cm)
Measuring Volume D = 60 mm x H=150 mm for the 2-electrode probe  D = 40 mm x H=110 mm for the 3-electrode probe
Temperature Sensor NTC 10 kΩ @ 25°C
Measuring Range -40°C to + 60°C
Resolution 0.1°C
Accuracy ±0.5°C
Long-term Stability 0.1°C / year
Materials Handle: thermoplastic material and epoxy resin Electrodes: epoxy glass, thickness 2 mm
Environmental Protection IP67
Weight 150 g approx.


Brochure: HD3910_D_uk


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