Agricultural production is heavily reliant on inputs from the natural environment (e.g. sunlight and rainfall). Farmers must carefully plan their activities based on seasonal changes in the weather. This allows them to manage the growth and harvest of crops.
Offshore operations are highly susceptible to the vagaries of the weather. With only limited access to emergency response services, effective safety management is critical to prevent injury and loss of life.
Up-to-date information on weather conditions are vital for the safe and smooth operation of road and railway systems. Surface vehicles are affected by precipitation, strong winds, flooding, ice-formation and poor visibility.
All people and industries are affected by the weather in some way. It is both an ally and our greatest adversary. The task of meteorologists is to monitor, analyse and understand the behaviour of weather and climate. Only by doing so can we develop effective counter-strategies.
Renewable energy helps to enliven economies, increase productivity and save lives. As demand for electricity increases, so too has the need for energy security.
Accurate meteorological information is an essential part of airport safety operations. Our 150 Series allows users to create fully flexible automatic weather stations.
All military procedures – whether on land, at sea or in the air – require meticulous planning. Routine observation and forecasting of the weather is vital to ensure the smooth-running of everyday operations.
We are enormously proud of our history and continually seek to expand on the legacy of the company’s founder, Robert William Munro (1839-1912). Starting out as a precision engineer and instrument maker, Munro transformed the company into a world-class manufacturer of meteorological and hydrological equipment.
Edmund Daley, Munro Instruments Ltd