Wind Speed Alarm Unit


Average speed based on the signal received from the Anemometer is computed over a six-second period to be clearly displayed on this mounted unit.


Average speed based on the signal received from the Anemometer is computed over a six-second period to be clearly displayed on this mounted unit. This is to prevent a rogue gust of wind from tripping the alarm relay. The relay is a double pole type that enables two different circuits to be activated. Responding to the pre-set level, the relay will energise visual and audible alarm circuits to warn the workforce and others that the critical wind speed has been exceeded.

Can be supplied with a Klaxxon horn upon request.

Product Specifications

Range 0-199 knots or mph or Km/hr
Accuracy ±1 knot below 40 knots ±2 knots above 41 knots
Resolution 1 knot
Dimensions 200 mm (H) x 118 mm (W) x 78 mm (D)
Weight 1.4kg
Fixing details 4 x 6mm holes On 146 x 178 mm centres
Supply voltage 115V ac or 250 V ac
Power Rating/consumption 115V-12W / 50mA 250V-6W / 25mA
Relay Rating 5A at 250V ac


IM613 Datasheet


    MeteorologyEnvironmentalSkid & Slip TestingGeneral

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